Dementia in medical terms is a group of symptoms used to describe the issues related to the brain where it affects memory, thinking ability, problem-solving and social abilities, etc. Alzheimer's is one of the most common causes of dementia. Alzheimer's is a disease causing memory loss due to neurological degeneration and death of brain cells.

Consult neurology specialist in Secunderabad for dementia treatment in Secunderabad at best dementia hospitals in west marredpally

What are the Symptoms of Dementia?

Symptoms of dementia vary as per their cause but some common symptoms are

  1. Difficulty in solving complex tasks
  2. Difficulty in finding words while communication
  3. An issue with reasoning, problem-solving, coordination, etc
  4. Issues in planning and organization.
  5. Hallucinations
  6. Depression
  7. Agitation

What are the Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease?

  1. Personality or behaviour issue
  2. Issue with recognition of recent things and close people
  3. Memory loss
  4. Cognitive deficit such as issues in decision making, money calculation, etc.
  5. An issue with reading, writing, and speaking.

Alzheimer's is generally seen in elderly people above 65yrs of age. It has various stages as mild, moderate, and severe.

What are the Causes?

Various types of dementia and Alzheimer's disease are due to damage or death of brain cells in different areas of brain losing connections between them.

Diseases causing Dementia

  1. Alzheimer's disease
  2. Parkinson disease
  3. Huntington disease
  4. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  5. Mixed Dementia
  6. Vascular Dementia
  7. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease


Dementia can be treated once the cause of it is known. Medical , behavioral and occupational therapy are offered in treatment of dementia. In severe Alzheimer's, it’s difficult to treat them / cure permanently. But they can be approached multimodally , including supportive care.


Any health issue or activity that directly or indirectly affects the cardiovascular system can influence the brain functioning. So, the wellbeing of brain health can be ensured by keeping healthy blood pressure, blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Maintaining an ideal body weight helps in maintaining good cardiovascular health. A healthy diet and exercise regimen with nutrients and supplements can help in achieving this. Smoking can be harmful to both cardiovascular system and brain. Regular physical exercise can further develop blood and oxygen flow to the brain and consequently decrease the risks of dementia.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease Treatment in Secunderabad

Dr. Niveditha Sai Chandra A

MBBS, MD(Gen.Med), DrNB Neurology from KMC Hospital , Mangalore. (Manipal Academy of Higher Education- MAHE)

Consultant Neurophysician